Press release

Beverage industries in Germany and Europe constantly in investment mode

June 20, 2024

  • BrauBeviale 2024: Brewery and beverage sector invests in comprehensive future-proof investments

BrauBeviale 2024 is already a firm fixture in the exhibition calendars of all significant suppliers to the beer and beverage production and packaging market. From 26th to 28th November 2024 in Nuremburg, the industry will once again meet and exchange new impulses related to production operations. Market developments and changes in demand, as well as the considerable challenges facing the industry in the areas of resource security, packaging conception, energy saving and production efficiency will be the topics of the hour. The current industry figures on the production of machines in the beverage sector show that beverage sector already consequently follow this pathway.

Market figures for 2023 from “Brewers of Europe” confirm previous market data in Europe with production volumes of 358 Mio. hl in Europe: The expanded range of non-alcoholic beer variants can be clearly seen across the industry: “Beer for every occasion” is likely to ensure further growth in the beer sector. Statista, for example, is forecasting a share of a little over 6 per cent of total output in Europe by 2025. In 2023, Germany was already above this figure at 7.1 per cent. More and more medium-sized breweries are also recognizing the market potential of non-alcoholic beers and are consciously focusing on this sector.

The market for non-alcoholic beverages (soft drinks, juices, mineral water and syrups) remains stable in Europe: figures published by UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe as part of a global data survey, estimate total production at around 132 billion litres, with per capita consumption at 246.4 litres in 2023, figures that have been consistently reflected over time in this long-term series. Market data for the European wine sector indicates production in Europe of around 13.5 billion litres. The figures in this segment relate not only to production capacities or market demand, but also take into account weather and climate fluctuations.

Based on this extensive market data, numerous highlights have emerged as particularly relevant at BrauBeviale 2024: Climate-resistant raw materials, new production methodologies in line with beverage industry trends, efficient and resource-saving technologies and related packaging and logistics options. With high registration figures already foreseeable, exhibitors at BrauBeviale 2024 are underlining the level of importance that they attach to the Nuremberg industry get-together as part of their market presence strategies. Particularly important for visitors: They will be presented with a complete overview across all areas of beer and beverage production. Andrea Kalrait, Executive Director Exhibition at BrauBeviale: “BrauBeviale will once again become a one-stop shop for everything brewers and beverage producers need. This means that visitors can learn about technologies and solutions for all current requirements in one compact visit. Time spent at a trade fair couldn’t be more efficient.”

Brewers and beverage producers resolutely in investment mode

Despite the immense challenges, the beverage industry is still keen to invest. “Numerous investment projects are currently being implemented by medium-sized private breweries. The measures are focused in particular on projects to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable forms of energy, says Stefan Stang, Managing Director of the Verband Private Brauereien Bayern e.V., assessing the current situation. BrauBeviale is a source of inspiration for beverage producers at home and abroad.

One example: in the past, CO2 recovery plants were often too large and unprofitable for medium-sized breweries. However, in the wake of recurring supply bottlenecks for technical carbon dioxide, a certain rethinking is now taking place - on the part of producers and plant manufacturers alike. "As a networking platform and with its range of presentations and exhibitors, BrauBeviale brings all the protagonists together. Beverage producers can obtain comprehensive information along the entire value chain about the technological solutions available on the market and how they can be implemented in their own operations," says Stefan Stang.

In light of the requirements of the European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), the focus on packaging is becoming even more important. Lighter bottles, i.e. reducing the weight of glass bottles, are one option for achieving even greater resource efficiency in the industry. In terms of entering export markets, beverage cans gain attraction as a fitting solution with suitable and recycling-friendly material in those markets. As a supplement to the environmentally friendly reusable bottle for the domestic market, the can is also finding its place in the packaging portfolio of regional beverage producers.

Positive market development for beverage machine producers

The market situation is also clearly reflected in the VDMA figures: with production of beverage machines totalling EUR 535 million and beverage packaging machines worth EUR 2,798 million, the figures from the VDMA Food Processing and Beverage Machinery Association also show a positive trend: With a production value of EUR 3,333 million compared to the 2022 figure of EUR 2,934 million for beverage machinery and beverage packaging machines, the industry achieved an increase of around 12 per cent in 2023.
As reported by the VDMA in its economic survey from April 2024, the current demand situation from the markets is rated as good to very good by over 40 per cent of companies in the sector. Over 50 per cent of manufacturers of food processing and packaging machinery are satisfied with the demand situation. On balance, most companies are positive about the outlook for 2024. In view of the persistently difficult general conditions and also against the backdrop of the high level achieved individually in the previous year, the majority of companies expect moderate growth for 2024.

Susanne Blüml, PR Manager

Susanne Blüml, PR Manager

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